Front - end Developer
in this course, you’ll get a taste of some common production environments and tools that you will likely come across in a front end developer role.
You will be building a web tool that allows users to run Natural Language Processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites.
The goal of the Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program is to equip learners with the unique skills they need to build and develop a variety of websites and applications. A graduate of this Nanodegree program will be able to:
- Design and create responsive and user-friendly web interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Implement best practices for web development, including accessibility and performance optimization.
- Utilize popular front-end frameworks and libraries, such as React and Angular, to build dynamic and interactive web applications.
- Collaborate with back-end developers and designers to integrate front-end components into a cohesive and functional web application.
Course 1: CSS & Website Layout
For your first project, you’ll create a multi-page blog website, using best practices for content and page styling with HTML and CSS. You’ll practice using responsive layouts, Flexbox, and CSS Grid to create the structure and design for your own blog.
Course Project: Styled Blog Website
In this project you will code a fixed-wing aircraft, and then implement solutions to a significantly more challenging control problem.
Course 2: JavaScript and the DOM
Use JavaScript to control a webpage. Learn what the Document Object Model (DOM) is, and use JavaScript and the DOM to dictate page content and interactions. Gain experience working with Browser Events and managing website performance by controlling content creation efficiently.
Course Project: Dynamic Landing Page for Marketing Content
- In this project, you will build a multi-section landing page.
- Often times, you won’t know how much content will be added to a page through a Content Management System (CSM) or an API.
- To handle this problem, you will dynamically add content to a web page.
- You’ll be building a landing page that combines your skills with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to update and control the page and create a dynamic user experience.
Course 3: Web APIs and Asynchronous Applications
Course Project: Weather Journal
- In this project, you will build a multi-section landing page.
- Often times, you won’t know how much content will be added to a page through a Content Management System (CSM) or an API.
- To handle this problem, you will dynamically add content to a web page.
- You’ll be building a landing page that combines your skills with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to update and control the page and create a dynamic user experience.
Course 4: Build Tools, Webpack, and Service Worker
Develop an understanding of how to use build tools, such as Webpack, for automating build tasks. Create CSS variables with Sass and configure Webpack to use Sass controlled stylesheets. Learn how to cache server data and website functionality using Service Worker.
Course Project: Front End Web Developer Nanodegree Program Capstone
- In the final project, you’ll combine all of the skills you’ve developed throughout the Nanodegree program to build an online travel app.
- You’ll work with data sources from multiple APIs to create a dynamic travel weather planning application that helps people plan trips by generating weather forecasts for the places they’re visiting.
- You’ll pull together all of the JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and build tool skills and knowledge you’ve gained to create this application.
- The design is up to you, and you’ll have the flexibility to include and combine other APIs (even your own!) to build this final project.
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12pm - 7pm
100 Valley Hill Rd Apt C8, Riverdale, 30274